Thursday, March 14, 2013

Are the IPhone Clones able to run all the applications from the real IPhone?

iphone on iPhone 5: Everything You Need To Know About Apples New iPhone
iphone image


I am asking this is because I am planning on buying an IPhone mainly because of its applications, like the beatmakers, music makers, anything that is connected with music making applications and some other video stuff. I wont be doing wifi/surfing the internet. Just plain old call and sms plus the applications.

Will these music applications run using the IPhone clones?

No, because they don't have the iPhone OS. They aren't clones even really, just look-alikes.

What price will the iPhone 4s and the iPhone 5 be during Sprint's after christmas sale?

Andrew E

I have an open contract and am looking to upgrade to the iPhone 4s or the iPhone 5. After Christmas these places normally have huge sales on phones, and I don't know if it will be worth waiting or not for the sale. An iPhone 4s with a 2 year agreement currently is 100 dollars, and an iPhone 5 is 200 dollars. What will the go down to during the sale?

Theres never a sale on iPhones. And the price never goes down on an iPhone until a new model is getting ready to debut.

How can you the difference between an iphone 3g and an iphone 3gs?


I bought a screen for the iphone 3gs then i realized i have the iphone 3g. Some of the reviews said that they recieved an iphone 3g screen and some said they recieved an iphone 3gs screen. Do you know how to tell the difference? and will an iphone 3gs fit on an iphone 3g
Its a screen replacement. Some websites told me there was a differencee and some told me there waswnt.

Yes there is a difference between the iPhone 3G screen/digitizer and the iPhone 3Gs screen/digitizer. The glass is the same but the cable for the digitizer connection is not. You will be able to tell the that the connection is different once you open the iPhone. The 3Gs connector has a wider tab in the middle and will not fit. If you want someone to come out to your home or business and replace the screen for you visit and schedule a appointment.

How do I use an iphone 4S on different networks?


I would like to get an iphone 4S to use with Straight Talk. I have been doing research and I am confused as to how all of this works..... I already know that I need to buy a Straight Talk Sim card.
So I need to know, does only a certain type of iphone 4S work on Straight Talk? I read something about CDMA phones not working with GSM or vice versa, I don't understand it so I just want to be sure I don't waste my money.

So basically, can I use Straight Talk with a Sprint iphone, Verizon iphone, or an AT&T iphone?
If so, which one should I get? Will be buying off of Craigslist most likely.

Im sorry, I cant give you the answer you're seeking.
iPhones are made in China by workers that committ suicide because theyre forced to live inside the factories they work for, creating unbearable stress.
Therefore, I dont own an iPhone. I don't support a big corporation making profit by using such labor.
So as you hold that iPhone, you have achieved making the life of a person living in the world today worse.

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